- Apple - Macintosh Emulators - Zophar's Domain
- Macintosh System 1 Online Emulator
- SoftPear PC/Mac Interoperability
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Bluestacks is a very popular Android emulator. It also offers custom key mapping for. SheepShaver is also known as a PowerPC Apple MAC emulator which also has the versions for Linux and MAC OS X. Originally, SheepShaver is designed for the BeOS and Linux. If you want to use SheepShaver to run MAC on your Windows PC, you can get the installer from, Heepshaver.cebix.net. SoftPear PC/Mac interoperability The SoftPear Project aims to create IBM PC/Apple Macintosh compatibility software. Its goals include software to be able to A) run Darwin/PPC executables, including Mac OS X, its libraries and its applications, on Darwin/x86 (using emulation/dynamic reco. Jul 29, 2020 If you've ever been interested in reliving (or discovering) what using a Mac was like in the late ‘90s, here's your chance. Felix Rieseberg, a Slack developer, has created an app that emulates Mac.
Normally, IBM-compatible PCs cannot run any Macintosh programs, or read Macintosh CD-ROMs and floppy disks. That is where Macintosh emulators become important. Macintosh emulators are an attempt to 'emulate' Macintosh hardware on PCs, so as to enable them to run the Macintosh operating system. Some emulators do this job well - while some do not.
If you are feeling nostalgic, looking for emulators that can mimic the old Apple 2 series of computers on your modern PC or Mac, look no further.This page lists emulators for the old Apple II computers, including machines like the original Apple II, updated models like II+ (a.k.a ][+),Apple IIe (or //e), Apple IIc (or //c) and Apple IIGS.
Just as many other free emulators require that you get your ownROM of the machine, these emulators also require that you have a copy of the ROM for the desired machine.
Update (September 2016): You can now getProDOS 2.4 (created by a third party) for your emulated Apple ][, ][+ and //e. Unknown battlegrounds pc requirements.
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Free Apple II, II plus, IIe, IIc, IIgs Emulators
AppleWin is an Apple II emulator for Windows that is able to emulate an Apple II, II+ and IIe. It emulates the Extended Keyboard IIe (also known asthe Platinum IIe), a built-in 80-column text mode, 128 Kb of RAM, two 5.25 inch floppy drives, a joystick, paddle controllers, Ethernet support,soundcard, speech synthesis, hard disk images, a serial card and 65C02 processor. It can emulate both the monochrome Apple II monitor as well asthe colour monitors, with lo-res, hi-res and double hi-res graphics mode all being supported. You can save the state of the machine.
EMU ][ emulates an Apple II, II+ and //e with 64K RAM. There's also a version that emulates an Apple 2e with 128K RAM.It runs on Windows.
Apple - Macintosh Emulators - Zophar's Domain
KEGS is an Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and Unix-type systems running X11.
MAME, with the integrated MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System), allows you to emulate a variety of systems,including Apple I, ][, ][+, //c, //e, IIgs, IIj+ and the Apple III (or ///), among others. Supported platformsfor this emulator include Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Macintosh System 1 Online Emulator
Catakig is an emulator for the Apple II series of computers, including Apple ][, ][+, //e and //c. It runs on PowerPC Mac OS X as well as Intel Mac OS X.
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SoftPear PC/Mac Interoperability
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